I bought my frame from Achatz via eBay. What I got was probably the best packaged kit I've ever seen. Every thing in small ziplock bags, every bag labelled with what's inside and how many. No guessing if you have "M4 Washer Large" or "M4 Washer Small" in your hands.
So in the last two days I've gone from exploded view to a partially built machine.
It's funny to see how many build instructions can be found for the assembly of the frame, but how scarce information is about where to put the end switches (Left-hand side? Right-hand side? Front? Back?) and how to best route the cables. I'll just have to wing it.
And so I added a washer behind the big gear on the Wade Hinged extruder (cold end) to align it better with the small gear on the stepper motor. Wrong. Now the bobbed part of the bolt doesn't align with the filament.
Unfortunately that means I'll have to file a bit of the small gear off to get it closer to the stepper motor.
The Prusa i3 Achatz Edition Frame Kit |
Mostly assembled. Except the cold end. |
Assembled and cold end too |
I have a Budaschnozzle, the cavity is for a J-Head hot end, and causes al sort of trouble with a Buda. |
The problem when you add another washer to align the gears. The filament isn't gripped by the hobbed part of the bolt due to misalignment. |